Sistem Informasi Les Privat Berbasis Website dengan Menggunakan Framework Laravel


  • Ika Fitria Widyaningtyas Politeknik Negeri Cilacap
  • Lutfi Syafirullah Politeknik Negeri Cilacap
  • Oman Somantri Politeknik Negeri Cilacap



waterfall, website, system, computerization


Advances in technology and computerization are currently experiencing rapid progress in helping work so as to increase effectiveness and efficiency. The system that runs is still conventional so a computerized system is made, such as the problem with the registration system for private tutoring of the "Let's Learn" foundation which still uses manuals and is not effective in terms of registrants and foundation managers, researchers intend to create a private tutoring information system for the foundation "Let's Learn" "web-based that can make it easier for parents or guardians of elementary school students who want to register their children and make it easier for foundation managers to process and record data. This study uses thedevelopment method Waterfall as a methodology in making a website-based private tutoring information system for the "Let's Learn" foundation. The system is made to make it easy for system users, among others, parents are given convenience in registering, selecting tutoring packages and payments. As for the management of the foundation, the system provides convenience in serving registration and managing financial transactions.




How to Cite

Fitria Widyaningtyas, I., Syafirullah, L., & Somantri, O. (2021). Sistem Informasi Les Privat Berbasis Website dengan Menggunakan Framework Laravel. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Wijayakusuma National Conference , 2(1), 84–94.