Implikatur Percakapan Pada Cerpen Meminjam Anak Malang Karya Adi Zam Zam


  • Hidayat Nur Septiadi STKIP Darussalam Cilacap
  • Fakhri Fakhrur Rozy Akper Pemkab Purworejo
  • Alfa Rosyid Abdullah Universitas Nurul Jadid



implicatures, pragmatics, speech acts, short stories


Humans are created to be social creatures who interact with other humans. For their daily life, humans communicate for their needs. This also happens in a literary work. The author describes a real life story as outlined in the form of a literary work. Literary works that are currently popular are short stories (short stories). In a short story there is a conversation between characters. This is what makes researchers interested. This study aims to describe and explain the types of implicature speech acts in the short story meminjam anak malang by Adi Zam Zam. Content analysis and expert judgment techniques are used in this study as an analytical knife. Data source triangulation techniques and theoretical triangulation were used as data validation tools. The results of the discussion show that there are four descriptions of implicature speech acts in several conversations of the short story Meminjam anak malang by Adi Zam Zam in the form of assertive, directive, expressive, and commissive. There were 19 implicature speech acts based on their shape in the conversation of the short story meminjam anak malang.




How to Cite

Nur Septiadi, H., Fakhrur Rozy, F., & Rosyid Abdullah, A. (2021). Implikatur Percakapan Pada Cerpen Meminjam Anak Malang Karya Adi Zam Zam. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Wijayakusuma National Conference , 2(1), 10–16.