Efektifitas Pemanfaatan Insentif Pajak Bagi Sektor Industri
implementation effectiveness, tax incentives, industrial sectorAbstract
The government organizes tax incentives to create conducive business environment and encourage domestic industry to be more competitive, at local, national and global levels. The competitiveness of a region is determined by the pillars of business dynamics. The more industries that take advantage of tax incentive policies in an area, the better the business dynamics. In this regard, the level of utilization of tax incentives in Cilacap Regency is still relatively low. By focusing on studies on aspects of the effectiveness of public policy implementation, this study explains that good tax incentive policies cannot be utilized by people in the regions due to inaccuracies in the process and policy environment. Lack of public understanding of policies and limited access to technology has resulted in low utilization of tax incentives in the regions.
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