Model Pembangunan Pedesaan Berbasis TIK
technology, information, communication,, development, villagesAbstract
Conceptual adjustments supported by clear procedures are needed to improve rural development. The current direction of development, especially in rural areas, must be focused on advances in information and communication technology (ICT) and not only on the agricultural sector and basic infrastructure development. In the digital era, implementing rural development requires a convergent communication strategy that combines mass/online, hybrid media, and involves interpersonal communication. The aim is to increase participation and involvement of all parties from various generations to accelerate development goals. This research uses quantitati``\ve descriptive methodology and uses primary data from Cilacap Village, South Cilacap District, and Cilacap Regency. Apart from that, observation, interviews and documentation of research objects were used in data collection. The results of this research show that in community activities at the village level the function and use of ICT cannot be ruled out, but its use must be in accordance with positive benefits. One effort to ensure that information technology can be put to good use is through continuous outreach through various social and religious events.
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