Sistem Keamanan Loker Arsip Menggunakan Metode Face Recognition
facial recognition, image processing, raspberry pi, security systemAbstract
Facial recognition systems can be used for locker security. The system uses a raspberry pi as a data processing center, a webcam camera is used to read the user's face, and a door lock solenoid. The system is integrated with the website system to store user usage history and display video captures of users currently or about to open archive lockers. The archive locker will only open if the system detects a recognized face input that has been registered in the dataset. If the face is not recognized by the system, then the archive locker will not open. The results of the facial recognition test using 4 registered users in the dataset, the results show that the system is able to recognize the four users' faces according to the registered dataset. The camera is capable of detecting faces with a distance range of 40-100 cm. Outside that range, the system cannot recognize faces properly. Based on the test data of the archive locker security system, the system is able to recognize registered users properly and historical data can be stored on the website.
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