Pengembangan Produk Pangan Fungsional Berbahan Jagung Lokal Madura Dalam Upaya Pencegahan Stunting
corn, cowpea, MP-ASI biscuits, banana kepok, stuntingAbstract
Stunting is an urgent problem in Indonesia because the percentage exceeds the WHO standard. Utilization of local food into functional food is an alternative to prevent stunting. Madurese local corn and cowpea contain high protein. Bananas contain inulin compounds that act as prebiotics and help improve the taste of biscuits. The purpose of the study was to determine the biscuit formulation in terms of texture, color, aroma and taste. The research method is an experiment with a completely randomized design with 5 formulations. The stages of the research started from making flour, biscuits and analyzing the physical characteristics of the biscuits. Based on the results of the research, formulation 1 with 90 grams of corn flour, 35 grams of banana kepok flour and 25 grams of cowpea flour produced biscuits with an easy to break texture, bright yellow color, distinctive aroma of corn and taste at a low level of sweetness. The formulation of 5 corn flour 50 grams, banana kepok flour 55 grams and cowpea flour 45 grams produced biscuits with a slightly hard texture, brownish yellow color, a distinctive banana aroma and taste at a slightly high level of sweetness.
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