Penerapan Model MIDAAR Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris
MIDAAR, kritis, kolaboratif, tolerans, karakterAbstract
The departure of this research from concerns about the character of the nation's children in general, and especially in research locations that are still relatively underdeveloped in aspects of critical, collaborative, and tolerant character among students. This study aims to analyze the congruence of model syntax and to analyze the emergence of critical, collaborative, and tolerant characteristics after students receive English learning using a special character learning model in the form of the MIDAAR model. Data were collected by interview, observation, and student self-assessment methods. The results show that there is a syntactical congruence of the MIDAAR model and in the classroom, the emergence of critical, collaborative, and tolerant characters is starting to be seen which is strengthened by the results of self-assessment from students. Thus, the conclusion is that the implementation of the MIDAAR model is able to foster critical, collaborative, and tolerant characters.
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